Riwaz International Fashion Show: Showcasing Indo-Pak Fashion Fusion

2 min read

Get ready for a one-of-a-kind fashion extravaganza! Riwaz International Fashion Tour is thrilled to present the INDO-PAK fashion show, a unique concept aimed at promoting the rich art and culture of India and Pakistan. This spectacular event is set to be an annual tradition in Dubai.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Purpose: The INDO-PAK fashion show has a noble mission—to showcase talent from SAARC nations and celebrate the artistic brilliance of India and Pakistan.
  • Calendar Shoot: To kick off the grand celebrations, Luxierge Concierge Services UAE is organizing a fantastic calendar shoot in January 2024. This shoot promises to set the stage for a year filled with style and glamour.
  • The Dynamic Duo: The INDO-PAK fashion show is a collaborative effort between two fashion powerhouses. Renowned Indian fashion designer, Rajdeep Roy, and the talented Ms. Shirley Abraham from Dubai are joining forces to make this event a resounding success.
  • Stellar Team: The show brings together a star-studded team, including Pakistan’s top fashion model, Zain ul Abdeen, India’s celebrity fashion photographer, Rajesh Verma, celebrity choreographer Babla Kathuria, fashion photographer Ravi Ranjan, and the multifaceted Prashant Mane.
  • Global Spotlight: This show is not just about fashion; it’s an outstanding opportunity for sponsors worldwide to showcase their brands on an international stage. With media presence and global attention, your brand can shine brightly.

Mark your calendars and be part of this incredible journey as the INDO-PAK fashion show takes Dubai by storm. It’s not just a fashion show; it’s a celebration of art, culture, and style on a grand scale!

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