NCQAA has initiated the first phase of its institutional accreditation process

2 min read

The National Committee for Qualifications and Academic Accreditation (NCQAA) in the State of Qatar has initiated its first round of institutional accreditation for higher education institutions. The Community College of Qatar (CCQ) and Lusail University are the first two local institutions to undergo this accreditation process.

Her Excellency Buthaina bint Ali Al Jabr Al Nuaimi, the Minister of Education and Higher Education, expressed her pride in the commitment of higher education institutions in Qatar to attain national academic accreditation and elevate educational standards. NCQAA was formed in October 2022 and has been diligently developing accreditation standards, policies, and procedures throughout the year, which will be implemented in the current academic year.

Dr. Mazen Omar Hasnah, the Chairperson of NCQAA, highlighted that a group of academic experts has worked on developing accreditation standards based on a comprehensive review of regional and international standards. The Committee approved the adoption of five standards that cover key aspects of higher education institutions, including mission and organization, resources, planning, mission delivery, and meeting stakeholders’ expectations.

NCQAA has produced a comprehensive guide outlining these five standards to assist higher education institutions in formulating self-studies about their academic institutions, an essential part of the accreditation process. The participation of CCQ and Lusail University in the inaugural cycle of institutional accreditation visits is seen as serving the best interests of students and enhancing the quality of national higher education.

Dr. Khalid Al Horr, President of CCQ, expressed the institution’s commitment to providing high-quality education and its dedication to leveraging the accreditation process to enhance academic and non-academic operations.

Dr. Nizam Hindi, President of Lusail University, highlighted the motivation to improve educational practices across all domains as the university prepares to graduate its inaugural class. The accreditation process also offers an opportunity to receive feedback and recommendations from independent experts and peer evaluators.

NCQAA was established through Cabinet Decision No. (12) of 2022, with a mandate to oversee and update the National Qualifications Framework and accredit qualifications conferred by local higher education institutions. It aims to ensure alignment with the National Qualifications Framework through quality assurance standards and compliance with these standards through the academic accreditation system developed by NCQAA.

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