Farewell Message from a 12-year Journey in the Ministry of Commerce

1 min read

Farewell Message from a 12-year Journey in the Ministry of Commerce

After nearly 12 years at the Ministry of Commerce, my journey has come to an end. It was filled with challenges, achievements, and initiatives that I’m proud of. I started by establishing and managing the Consumer Protection Reporting Canter 1900 and concluded by creating and overseeing partnerships with the private sector.

I want to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to the Minister of Commerce, Dr. Majid Al-Qasabi, the Deputy Minister of Commerce, Dr. Iman Al-Mutairi, as well as the Undersecretaries, Advisors, and all my colleagues at the Ministry of Commerce. Your cooperation, support, and advice were instrumental in the success of our work, which aimed to serve our religion and our beloved country. You were the best assistance and support after God in achieving the goals and accomplishments we worked on together.

I wish you all continued success, and I apologize for any unintentional shortcomings on my part. May God bless and guide you towards success.

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