China Urges Bhutan to Resolve Border Issues for Legalized Relations

2 min read

China has asked Bhutan to establish diplomatic relations and resolve their boundary issue quickly. This step aims to formalize their relationship. During a meeting between Bhutanese Foreign Minister Dr. Tandi Dorji and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Wang stated that restoring diplomatic ties would serve both countries’ long-term interests.

China expressed readiness to work with Bhutan and emphasized the importance of completing the boundary negotiations and establishing diplomatic relations as soon as possible. Bhutan thanked China for its support and assistance and affirmed its commitment to the one-China principle.

China has been working to establish full-fledged diplomatic ties with Bhutan and resolve their border dispute. While China has resolved boundary disputes with most of its neighbors, India and Bhutan are exceptions. In recent years, the border issue became complicated due to a standoff over the Doklam plateau. However, the standoff was eventually resolved.

China is keen on developing diplomatic relations with Bhutan and continues efforts to enhance infrastructure along its borders with Bhutan and other countries. The two countries held their 13th Expert Group Meeting on the Bhutan-China boundary issue in August. Bhutan’s Prime Minister expressed the hope of concluding the territory demarcation within a few meetings.

This development is part of China’s efforts to strengthen its diplomatic relations and expand its global initiatives, including the Belt and Road Initiative.

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