Biden Supports Humanitarian ‘Pause’ in Israel-Hamas Conflict

2 min read

Biden Supports Humanitarian ‘Pause’ in Israel-Hamas Conflict

President Joe Biden responded to a person in Minnesota who asked him to call for a ceasefire in the conflict between Israel and Hamas. The president suggested there should be a “pause” in the fighting to free hostages in Gaza.

During a speech to around 200 supporters in Minnesota, someone in the audience, who identified themselves as a rabbi, shouted out, requesting a ceasefire. President Biden replied, saying he thinks there should be a pause to give time to release the hostages held by Hamas.

The White House later clarified that when the president mentioned “prisoners,” he meant the hostages held by Hamas.

President Biden continued the conversation with the woman and mentioned that he had talked to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, also known as Bibi, to get him to agree to a ceasefire. He also said he had spoken with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi to open the border along Gaza’s border with Egypt to allow the released hostages to leave.

President Biden was referring to the recent release of two American hostages who were held by Hamas.

The White House has previously called for “humanitarian pauses” to deliver aid to Gaza and carry out evacuations but has not discussed a ceasefire. They believe that a ceasefire would benefit Hamas.

The conflict between Israel and Hamas has been ongoing for 26 days. In response to a violent attack by Hamas on October 7, the Israeli army has been carrying out airstrikes on Gaza and has initiated a ground operation in the area.

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